Search Engine Results Page results. Read also: Website optimization some basic areas that are worth improving Thin content has many names What exactly is thin content? What elements are taken into account when ranking websites by the Panda algorithm? To avoid using generalities we will present Google's guidelines for webmasters. Find out what to avoid when creating website content! quote: thin content is lowquality content Content created automatically It is a big mistake to use computer programs that generate many similar content based on one article. The text obtained in this way is often difficult to understand e.g. due to poorly selected synonyms lack of proper context.
Although these types of publications are usually not posted on the target website Google robots can associate automatically created publications with your company website. Duplicate content Fragments copied from other websites or very Hit Post similar ones are one of the most common types of thin content SEO. Duplicate content often appears on the websites of online stores that offer hundreds of almost identical products. Read also: What is duplicate content? Find out what's harming your website! Keyword oversaturation To illustrate what I mean it is best to use a slightly exaggerated example. Our café offers coffee. The cafe enjoys a reputation among local cafes.
Welcome to the café. The word cafe appears four times in three sentences. Such text is rated poorly not only by users but also by indexing robots. According to Google's recommendations content containing phrases stuffed forcibly is not interesting for the recipients and does not look natural which may affect the position of the website on the Internet. Hidden content Thin content also takes into account content that exists on the website but is invisible to users. Such activities are prohibited by Google and constitute one of the black hat SEO methods . This effect is most .