The BABIDI-BÚ children's publishing house represents a new paradigm in the field of publishing children's and young people's books , through which it is possible to accommodate a large number of talented authors, but who, being new, find it practically impossible to give to know their works through traditional editorial schemes, that is, publishing only the works of those authors who already have recognition, but not risking new ones unknown to readers, even if their work is good... ARTICLE INDEX What happens when publishers follow this publishing model? The editorial work, risky BABIDI-BÚ, the children's publishing house to publish Collaboration between authors and publisher Self-publishing, what it means for a children's publisher A children's publishing house at the service of writers "For our publishing house, behind each work there is a human being with an enormous desire to publish, and you can be sure that you will have all the help necessary to do so.
More information What happens when publishers follow Italy Telegram Number Data this publishing model? Well, something that has already been seen and proven on many occasions: that Literature can lose important works of global success , which sometimes, thanks to the intervention of an editor with true editorial instinct, manage to be saved and see the light. . There are a large number of titles that prove this, for example Harry Potter , rejected by a series of English publishers, until a small publisher, called Bloomsbury , published it. And maybe I would have rejected it too. His editor-in-chief did not go beyond the first page of the manuscript. It was her 8-year-old daughter who read it, and she was so enthusiastic that she told her father that she had to publish it. Thank goodness she listened to him... Now I ask myself: "What would those publishers feel when they learned of the great success of that manuscript that JK: Rowling one day presented to them and that they rejected?" As an editor, I certainly wouldn't want to be in her shoes... This is just one of the many examples that make up the list of world-successful titles , but that were rejected by many publishers .

Although thanks to the perseverance of its author, they managed to see the light. And behind all of them there is a human story, often sad, because the success of these works came after the death of their author, as is the case of John Kennedy Toole , author of A Confederacy of Dunces , or more recently, the Millennium trilogy , by Stieg Larsson . And other times it is full of countless obstacles and difficulties, as happened to Gabriel García Marquez when he wanted to publish One Hundred Years of Solitude , although fortunately , Gabo , as he was known in those close to him, was able to enjoy the success of his work. The editorial work, risky But the attitude of the publisher that follows the traditional editing scheme is also very understandable . Since your conditions to be able to publish are conditioned by a budget.