This way you can have the impression that you are doing very well, but in reality you are not, and vice versa. To make that decision easier for you, I listed characteristics of a good KPI. . Availability to be measured It seems obvious, but it's the truth. To choose a main KPI, it needs to be available so that it can be measured and analyzed correctly. For example: you can only quantify leads after you start generating them. . Importance for the business base The KPI shows that your strategy is having results and that the main objective is being achieved.
If your business grows and you sell more, your KPI should show Bahamas WhatsApp Number you that you are really growing and selling more. . Relevance One of the biggest mistakes when choosing indicators is choosing vanity indicators , that is, numbers that do not show any results but make the marketing team happy. Primary indicators such as comments, "likes" and content shared on social networks do not show concrete results, they hardly seem important. Focus on what really matters! .
Help make smart choices Data and information are the basis of good choices. Your primary Key Performance Indicator needs to help you make smart choices. What good is good data if it is not the basis for choosing the best path for your company . Have periodicity The KPI needs to be constantly measured, this monitoring is what allows us to understand what works and what does not work, and if the ROI is interesting. Choose KPIs that can be measured periodically and can help in making periodic decisions. Why Facebook likes are not good KPIs Yes I know. You already suggested using the number of comments or likes on Facebook as an indicator.