Please note that we are only introducing individual cases, and each case does not necessarily reflect the overall trend. However, the following trends can be seen overall. ・The number of cases of drastic changes, such as keywords that were ranked high in searches, suddenly going out of range, is decreasing. ・We continue to see movements of sites and keywords that were affected by the previous update returning to their original state (decrease/increase) together) Health ① Keyword: Health-related KW site Type: Dictionary-related site Fluctuation trend: Increase Health case 1 This site is seeing an increase in the number of health-related keywords.
Health ② Keyword: Health-related KW site Type: Clinic site Fluctuation trend: Increase Health case 2 This is an example of an increase in a highly competitive word, where the top rankings are already dominated by clinic sites. Health ③ Keyword: Health-related KW site Type: Childcare site Fluctuation Bahamas Email List trend: Decline Health case 3 This is a keyword that has repeatedly dropped and then returned. This update also shows a downward trend. Major beauty clinic Fluctuation trend: Increase Beauty case Although it is a beauty-related keyword, it seems that it has little direct relation to beauty and health.

It rose to the top 10 for the first time in the past six months. Legal system Keyword: Legal KW site Type: Professional site Fluctuation trend: Increase Legal cases Law is also a YMYL field according to Google's definition. This is an example of a situation where the ranking became unstable after a change around May 22nd of this year, but it has recovered. money system Keyword: Money-related KW site Type: Affiliate site Fluctuation trend: Rise Money related cases Although I deliberately brought this up, within the scope of what I observed, the movement of affiliate sites was not very large.