Mark IrvineMEET THE AUTHORMark IrvineMark is the Director of PPC at SearchLab Digital. Previously, Mark worked at WordStream and was named the Most Influential PPC Expert of the Year by both PPC and Microsoft.See other posts by Mark IrvineUnless you have a huge advertising budget, paying for Facebook Likes is nowhere near as valuable as it was five years ago. After all, organic reach on Facebook is pretty much dead, right?how to get real facebook likesHowever, there is still some marginal value in having a large number of page Likes. If nothing else, Likes serve as a form of social proof.
More likes make you appear popular to people who are just discovering Greece WhatsApp Number Data your brand. And having more followers gives you a small bit of organic reach.If you manage a Facebook business page and run Facebook ads, check it out: I’ve stumbled across a weird hack that allows you to invite real people who have engaged with your content to Like your page – and you don’t have to pay a penny. So far, I give the results a big thumbs up.
how to get facebook likesFacebook’s “Hidden” Invite ButtonBefore going further, I want to be clear. I don’t know if this Invite Button is a hidden feature or something that Facebook is testing in beta. This doesn’t seem to be available on every Facebook account so you may or may not have it.Also, what I’ll be discussing isn’t the invite option Facebook has given us for years (“Invite friends to like this page”). With that option you’re limited to only inviting your friends.. It opens you up to reach a new and much bigger audience beyond the people who have already Liked your page.